Monday, November 12, 2007

Words & Phrases

did the teeniest poops in the potty, (most of it was in his nappy) He got a lollipop.(didn't finish it)
He got into preschool!!! Mondays and Thursdays-8:30-anywhere between 2:30 and 5pm.
"the loud noise" = the highway...not a fan!!!
"hipamapotamis" = hippo
"gedown" = pick me up or put me down
he grabs your hand and leeds you where he wants you to go
he puts his dishes in the sink when he is done with his meal, he puts everything in the sink when he is done with it!!! (toys & books)
he sways to music
he loves to jump..."bumbum"
he is in a throwing and hitting phase

We had a dance party tonight-Peter "played airguitar" on a plank of wood. It was a great night!