Saturday, January 31, 2009


Willer words

anottergin = again

ilaloo = I love you

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Unthinkable. April 26th, 2008 The cat that I got as a kitten 7 years ago attacked Willem. I am gaurenteed it was unprovoked yet I did not witness it as I was in the bathroom with Peter. Because the cat was not vaccinated we had to put it down so that it's brain could be disected and checked for rabies. The test was negative. Thank God! He will have scars.

"bad kitty"
"dada kitty car" = Daddy took kitty away in the car to go to another place where he can't hurt Willem ever again.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Monks Update

Monks is actually toilet training now and is pretty successful.
His favorite songs over time have been: Bad Boys, by Inner Circle, Copacabana (lola), by Barry Manilo, and the current fav is "Boots", These Boots Were Made For Walkin, by Nancy Sinatra! He is super cool!!!! He also loves school and has a friend named John Henry. He loves Music Together with Miss Amy on Mondays and often Sings, Hello Everybody which they sing at circletime everyday. He loves his teacher Miss Lisa!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Words & Phrases

did the teeniest poops in the potty, (most of it was in his nappy) He got a lollipop.(didn't finish it)
He got into preschool!!! Mondays and Thursdays-8:30-anywhere between 2:30 and 5pm.
"the loud noise" = the highway...not a fan!!!
"hipamapotamis" = hippo
"gedown" = pick me up or put me down
he grabs your hand and leeds you where he wants you to go
he puts his dishes in the sink when he is done with his meal, he puts everything in the sink when he is done with it!!! (toys & books)
he sways to music
he loves to jump..."bumbum"
he is in a throwing and hitting phase

We had a dance party tonight-Peter "played airguitar" on a plank of wood. It was a great night!

Friday, October 26, 2007


Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is the new Tio favorite.
Monks counted to 14 today!
This one I am wondering weather to write down or not, but here goes. As I was holding Monks, he was rubbing my boobies, and when I asked what he was doing he said he was trying to make them big, like Dada's. I thanked him and assured him that they didn't need to be any bigger...DD!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007


"Monks, would you like some chicken?" me
"that be.........fabalus!....delisus!" him ( age three )

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Tio= television, I think the term comes from Tivo. The current favorites are Curious George, Super Why, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Cailou, Bob The Builder and Man Vs Wild. I never thought I would use TV, but when I have work to do, it does the trick. But Monks is learning, important messages like, "keep trying" from Super Why, and "reduce, reuse, recycle" from BTB.
"Mom, we need to cycle this, that is why it is good" ~ PHF Oct. 2007